Over time, Hot Tubs may develop issues that require repairs. Parklane Pool & Spa can provides Hot Tub Repair services to Kamloops and surrounding areas. From finding and fixing a leaking hot tub to fixing and replacing equipment, we do it all. If you need are in need of a Hot Repair book a service call now
Hot Tub Repairs: Common Issues, Fixes, and Maintenance
Hot Tubs are great for wellness and are a great way to relax after a long day. Regular maintenance is a great way to prevent issues, however over time hot tubs can develop issues, knowing when and how to troubleshoot and fix issues can you save you time and money.
Some Common Hot Tub Problems and Potential Fixes:
Water Leaks
Plumbing connections, jet gaskets, or pump seals can cause leaks
To Fix:
Inspect for any visible damage or worn out gaskets and seals replacing any damaged components
“Burp” the plumbing to release air to possibly fix any air locks
If bearings are failing, empty the tub and bring the pump in for possible repair or replacement of pumps or book a service call now! Alternatively you can bring your equipment to 1388 battle street for an assessment for repair viability.
Heater Problems
When the water is not heating, the issue could be a faulty heater element, thermostat, or tripped high-limit switch.
Possible Fixes include:
Resetting the hot tub’s breaker
replacing heating components
Control Panel/Topside Malfunctions
Topside control panels can indicate various issues from flow errors, temperatures sensor errors to electrical errors
Some trouble shooting steps include:
resetting the break to reset the tub
cleaning filters to increase the flow of water through the tub and the plumbing
replacing damage components may be necessary
Hot Springs Hot Tubs
Hot Springs guarantees part availability for 20 years for each hot tub. As a Hot Springs dealer we have access to all available Hot Springs and Watkins Wellness parts from their comprehensive, interactive service portal!
Hot Tub Maintenance
While Parklane Pool & Spa can fix and service your hot tub, the best way to avoid leaks and repair is proper water care.